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Compression Algorithms for Real Programmers
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Compression Algorithms for Real Programmers
Author:Wayner Peter (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    In life, time is money, and on the Internet, the size of data is money. Small programs and small files take less disk space and cost less to send over the Internet. Compression Algorithms for Real Programmers describes the basic algorithms and approaches for compressing information so you can create the smallest files possible. These new algorithms are making it possible for people to take impossibly large audio and video files and compress them enough that they can flow over the Internet.* Examines the classic algorithms like Huffman coding, arithmetic compression, and dictionary-based schemes in depth* Describes the basic approaches used to squeeze audio and video signals by factors of as much as 100:1* Discusses the philosophy of compression to illustrate the underlying trade-offs in the algorithms* Explores the use of wavelets and other modeling techniques that use repetitive functions to squeeze audio and video* Shows how programming solutions like Adobe PostScript can save space and make networks more efficient* Describes new approaches using fractals and grammars just being explored by the compression community* Shows how to extend the algorithms and use them for copyright protection

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