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Secrets of Figure Creation with Poser 5
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Secrets of Figure Creation with Poser 5
Author:Render B L (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Learn from a Poser master how to make the best use of this versatile and exciting figure creation package, whether you are using version 3, 4, the Pro Pack or the new version 5 upgrade.BL Render provides an in-depth guide that explains each aspect of the process of creating a figure in Curious Labs' Poser. It begins with simple projects, such as creating morphs for existing figures, and takes you through to the more advanced options such as geometry swapping, joint parameters, the design of the mesh and how that will affect the working of your figure.Each section begins with the theory behind each step, giving an abstracted base knowledge of the task at hand. Practical sections for each chapter are included on the free CD in which the concepts are put to use in examples, code snippets and tutorials, with all the files you need to follow along yourself. The CD is also packed with numerous utility programs for you to use when creating your figures.Finally, there is a trouble-shooting guide for any problems and/or bugs that may occur in each stage, so you are fully equipped to use this package professionally.If you want to know not only what steps to follow, but how to design the figure for optimal performance and why things work the way they do, then this is the book for you.* Learn from a professional how to make Poser work best for you* Color illustrations throughout show you what you can achieve* The free CD-Rom includes all the files you need to try each tutorial for yourself, surely the quickest way to learn

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