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Java Data Mining: Strategy, Standard, and Practice
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Автор: Spielman Sue (EN)
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Java Data Mining: Strategy, Standard, and Practice
Author:Hornick Mark F. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Whether you are a software developer, systems architect, data analyst, or business analyst, if you want to take advantage of data mining in the development of advanced analytic applications, Java Data Mining, JDM, the new standard now implemented in core DBMS and data mining/analysis software, is a key solution component. This book is the essential guide to the usage of the JDM standard interface, written by contributors to the JDM standard. The book discusses and illustrates how to solve real problems using the JDM API. The authors provide you with:* Data mining introduction-an overview of data mining and the problems it can address across industries; JDM's place in strategic solutions to data mining-related problems;* JDM essentials-concepts, design approach and design issues, with detailed code examples in Java; a Web Services interface to enable JDM functionality in an SOA environment; and illustration of JDM XML Schema for JDM objects; * JDM in practice-the use of JDM from vendor implementations and approaches to customer applications, integration, and usage; impact of data mining on IT infrastructure; a how-to guide for building applications that use the JDM API. * Free, downloadable KJDM source code referenced in the book available here* Data mining introduction-an overview of data mining and the problems it can address across industries; JDM's place in strategic solutions to data mining-related problems;* JDM essentials-concepts, design approach and design issues, with detailed code examples in Java; a Web Services interface to enable JDM functionality in an SOA environment; and illustration of JDM XML Schema for JDM objects; * JDM in practice-the use of JDM from vendor implementations and approaches to customer applications, integration, and usage; impact of data mining on IT infrastructure; a how-to guide for building applications that use the JDM API. * Free, downloadable KJDM source code referenced in the book available here

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