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Materials Science in Microelectronics II
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Very Merry Guinea Dog #4
Agile Innovation
Materials Science in Microelectronics II
Author:Machlin Eugene (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The subject matter of thin-films - which play a key role in microelectronics - divides naturally into two headings: the processing / structure relationship, and the structure / properties relationship. Part II of 'Materials Science in Microelectronics' focuses on the latter of these relationships, examining the effect of structure on the following: * Electrical properties* Magnetic properties* Optical properties* Mechanical properties* Mass transport properties* Interface and junction properties* Defects and properties* Captures the importance of thin films to microelectronic development* Examines the cause / effect relationship of structure on thin film properties

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