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Photoshop 7(R): Tips and Techniques
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Photoshop 7(R): Tips and Techniques
Author:Willard Wendy (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    300+ Immediate Solutions from the Pros Improve your use of Photoshop in Web and print design. Prepare and plan for Web page development and print output, then skillfully apply the latest design and production techniques. Perform simple adjustments as well as complex tasks--optimize photographic imagery, build animation, add rollovers, adjust images to achieve perfect skin tones and transparent drop shadows, make appropriate color adjustments, create duotones, and more. Geared toward designers of all levels looking for exciting visual solutions, Photoshop 7 Tips & Techniques demystifies the complicated but enormously powerful features of Photoshop. Inside: Precise, proven techniques--professional-level advice from industry experts Chapter-by-chapter subject indexes--make critical information easier to access Focused information--straightforward explanations for experienced programmers "Use-It" icons--each tip includes instructions for immediate implementation Must-have information--quick and concise solutions that work

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