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Standard and Poors 500 Guide 2013
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Standard and Poors 500 Guide 2013
Author:Standard & Poor's (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The most up-to-date and accurate market intelligence for superior investment decisions from the world s premier financial index! Standard & Poor's 500 Guide, 2013 Edition, contains hard-to-find data and analysis on the bluest of blue chip stocks from Abbot Labs and GE to Microsoft and Yahoo! Comprehensive and fully updated information from year-to-year stock values to overall company performance make this the only resource you need to optimize your investment performance. Standard & Poor's provides the respected Standard & Poor's ratings and stock rankings, advisory services, data guides, and several closely watched and widely reported gauges of stock market activity.

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