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SAP R/3 Handbook, Third Edition
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Автор: King Thomas (EN)
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SAP R/3 Handbook, Third Edition
Author:Keogh Jim (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Implement a comprehensive, integrated application platform Take full advantage of the power, flexibility, and adaptability of SAP -- the premier solution for service-based, enterprise-scale business processes. SAP R/3 Handbook, Third Edition offers complete coverage of installation, implementation, operation, and support. You'll get full details on all the components, including SAP Web Application Server, SAP NetWeaver, the ABAP workbench, and more. Administration, security, and integration with other systems is also covered. ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR SAP TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS Get an overview of SAP business, integration, and collaboration solutions Understand SAP Web Application Server architecture Get details on the SAP NetWeaver platform Access SAP systems through the SAP presentation interface Use the ABAP workbench development environment Handle system administration and implement security Manage system-wide changes with the Transport Management System (TMS) Analyze performance and troubleshoot SAP solutions

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