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Easy Grammar Step-by-Step
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Easy Grammar Step-by-Step
Author:Dutwin Phyllis (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    You've come to the right place for a quick and effective way to learn grammar! Easy Grammar Step-by-Step is based on the idea that the quickest route to learning this subject is building a solid foundation in the basics. You won't find a lot of pointless discussion; instead, you get an original, step-by-step approach to improving your grammar, with important concepts linked together by clear explanations, appropriate exercises, and helpful answers. The first steps introduce you to the fundamentals of correct grammar, allowing you to identify common mistakes almost immediately. Gradually, a series of interconnected steps takes you from simple to more challenging concepts at your own pace, with a variety of increasingly difficult exercises to practice what you've learned. After working through these exercises, you ll have a better grasp of the subject along with the knowledge and skills you need to master grammar with confidence. Easy Grammar Step-by-Step features: A unique building-block approach to mastering grammar Down-to-earth explanations of important concepts Helpful notes to avoid common missteps Exercises to help test what you ve learned and measure progress

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