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Theory of Constraints in Prisons (Chapter 27 of Theory of Constraints Handbook)
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Theory of Constraints in Prisons (Chapter 27 of Theory of Constraints Handbook)
Author:Cheng Christina (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    This is an individual chapter of Theory of Constraints Handbook. Chapter Purpose: To review the relevance of TOC applications compared to traditional approaches towards rehabilitation within the Singapore prison environment. Particular attention will be given to how TOC can be applied in its simplest form to overcome ongoing chronic conflict which often leads to repetitive negative behavior in multiple offenders. Using this process, inmates learn the importance of clearly identifying their underlying driving need behind each individual thought, word or action. Once this need is validated, they learn to formulate and test alternative positive ways to fulfill this need through win-win solutions in dealing with daily and ongoing personal, family, peer and societal issues. This approach has been used in diverse male adult and juvenile audiences. Implementation and sustainability issues are also discussed. Examples and case studies are provided throughout.

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