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CustomerCentric Selling, Second Edition
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CustomerCentric Selling, Second Edition
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The Web has changed the game for your customers and, therefore, for you. Now, CustomerCentric Selling, already recognized as one of the premier methodologies for managing the buyer-seller relationship, helps you level the playing field so you can reach clients when they are ready to buy and create a superior customer experience. Your business and its people need to be CustomerCentric willing and able to identify and serve customers needs in a world where competition waits just a mouse-click away. Traditional wisdom has long held that selling means convincing and persuading buyers. But today s buyers no longer want or need to be sold in traditional ways. CustomerCentric Selling gives you mastery of the crucial eight aspects of communicating with today s clients to achieve optimal results: Having conversations instead of making presentations Asking relevant questions instead of offering opinions Focusing on solutions and not only relationships Targeting businesspeople instead of gravitating toward users Relating product usage instead of relying on features Competing to win not just to stay busy Closing on the buyer s timeline (instead of yours) Empowering buyers instead of trying to sell them What s more, CustomerCentric Selling teaches and reinforces key tactics that will make the most of your organization s resources. Perhaps you feel you don t have the smartest internal systems in place to ensure an ideal workflow. (Perhaps, as is all too common, you lack identifiable systems almost entirely.) From the basics and beyond of strategic budgeting and negotiation to assessing and developing the skills of your sales force, you ll learn how to make sure that each step your business takes is the right one.

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