Too many financial advisors simply close shop when they decide to exitthe business squandering untold goodwill and legacy business. Why waste a great opportunity? By applying the advice of Al Depman, a.k.a. The Practice Doctor, you can transform your financial services practice into a legacy-focused business that will add substantial wealth to your retirement nest egg. How to Build Your Financial Advisory Business and Sell It at a Profit walks you through the steps of developing, managing, and growing a profitable practice you can sell for enhanced value or bequeath to family members. Depman guides you through the process of forming a sound plan for your financial services business, including how to: Create a team of advocates in marketing and administration Build a sophisticated referral process Develop sales and casedevelopment systems Write a best-practices operations manual Maximize new technology to streamline operations Put a succession plan in place Building a long-term business model is not just good for your future. It will also make you happier and more profitable today. You ll be able to spend more time with clients. You llput more energy into finding new ones. You ll focus more on referral sources. And someone else will do the grunt work. Use How to Build Your Financial Advisory Business and Sell It at a Profit to build your business into more than a simple means to a paycheck and reap the rewards of your hard work long after you choose to leave the firm.