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Handbook of Transportation Engineering Volume I, 2e
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Handbook of Transportation Engineering Volume I, 2e
Author:Kutz Myer (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The definitive transportation engineering resource--fully revised and updated The two-volume Handbook of Transportation Engineering, Second Edition offers practical, comprehensive coverage of the entire transportation engineering field. Featuring 18 new chapters and contributions from nearly 70 leading experts, this authoritative work discusses all types of transportation systems--freight, passenger, air, rail, road, marine, and pipeline--and provides problem-solving engineering, planning, and design tools and techniques with examples of successful applications. Volume I focuses on transportation networks and systems, operations, and economics. VOLUME I COVERS: National transportation networks and inter-modal systems Transportation network planning: theoretical notions Reliability of travel times and robustness of transport networks Transportation systems modeling and evaluation Software systems and simulation for transportation applications Applications of GIS in transportation Travel demand forecasting Transportation and land use Sustainable transportation practice Transportation planning and modeling Transportation economics Innovative information technology applications in public transportation Parking management Management of transportation organizations Trucking operations The economics of railroad operations: resurgence of a declining industry Airline management and operations The marine transportation system Global logistics Freight transportation planning

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