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AbSmart Fitness Plan
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AbSmart Fitness Plan
Author:Weiss Adam (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    A smarter, safer way to trim your waistline--without pain, injury, and all those crunches! As a chiropractic physician, Adam Weiss understands that traditional ab exercises can cause back pain, strain muscles, and can even cause misalignment. That s why he created a truly safe, and amazingly effective, routine for slimming your waist--without the risk of pain or injury. His revolutionary approach targets and strengthens your core muscles using a unique combination of muscle stretches, dynamic exercises, and dietary advice. It s safe. It s smart. And it works. I love The AbSmart Fitness Plan. Having neck and back problems I find the exercises easy and safe for me to do. But more than that is the great information Dr. Weiss includes on nutrition. He brings together the knowledge of not only how to exercise properly, but how to nourish your body to get optimal results. --Brenda Watson, CNC, Author of The Fiber35 Diet

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