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Mastering the Art of Fly Tying
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Mastering the Art of Fly Tying
Author:Erskine G. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    A beautiful and comprehensive manual carefully detailing for you how to tie 160 flies listed in order from simple to complex In Mastering the Art of Fly Tying, one of the world s most experienced fly-tying instructors reveals that the real secret to fly tying is not learning to tie each fly individually, but mastering and building upon the necessary skills and techniques. The 160 flies in this stunningly photographed guide are organized from simple to complex, rather than by type of fly as in other books. Each new fly teaches you another technique and builds your skill and confidence, along with an exceptional collection of flies.

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