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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Author:Miller Mark (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    BE AN AC AND REFRIGERATION ACE- NO MATTER WHAT YOUR PRESENT LEVEL OF SKILL! Air Conditioning and Refrigeration helps you understand today's cooling and climate control systems-so expertly that you can use it as the foundation for a career! Clear instructions-with over 800 photographs and illustrations-offer step-by-step guidance to learning the trade for students, professionals, and homeowners who want to do their own installations or repairs. LEARN WITH THE PROS Written by experienced teachers Rex and Mark R. Miller-whose Carpentry & Construction has been a building classic for more than 25 years-Air Conditioning and Refrigeration has all the task-simplifying details you need for any project. In the popular Miller style, this complete and current guide helps: New and student technicians. Build on-the-job skills and the knowledge needed to succeed in a fast-growing, lucrative field. AC and refrigeration pros. Refine and update skills, with full information on the latest cost-cutting technologies, refrigerants, and tools. Do-it-yourselfers and homeowners. Make expert equipment and tool choices and achieve superior results, economically. Service personnel, technicians, contractors, engineers, and facility managers. Find up-to-date information on codes, standards, safety tips, and methods. Anyone who needs clear, illustrated, step-by-step instructions for efficient, cost-effective, and current methods in choosing, installing, maintaining, troubleshooting, servicing, and repairing today's AC and refrigeration equipment.

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