Briana Bloomfield, the talent Jake Lowenstein, the genius Mongo, the muscle Jamal Wilson, the fifth grader andRiley Mack, the fearless leaderTogether, these five are the Known Troublemakers, stirring up trouble in the name of justice. Wherever a wrong needs righting or an innocent kid needs protecting, Riley and his friends will be there, ready to use their problem-causing expertise for the greater good.Only this time, injustice strikes a little too close to home. Schools out for the summer, and somebodys polluting the gangs favorite swimming hole. And if that wasnt enough to ruin the vacation, one of the Troublemakers is in serious trouble, and all of Rileys efforts to help are only making things worse. With ten thousand dollars and the fate of his friends and family on the line, Riley will have to think fast if he hopes to pull off his most daring caper yet!