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Skinny Melon And Me
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Skinny Melon And Me
Author:Ure Jean (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    One of the brilliant titles in Jean Ure's acclaimed series of humorous, delightful and poignant stories written in the form of diaries and letters which make them immediately accessible to children.Cherry's teacher has told her that keeping a diary is a good way to unclog your head - and Cherry certainly has a lot on her mind...Cherry's mother has just re-married, much to Cherry's disgust. The worst thing about her step-father is his name: Roland Butter. Can you imagine?Cherry's best friend, Skinny Melon, is a sounding board for all Cherry's angsts - Roland's allergies for one - who wants a wimpy step-father, all sniffly and red-eyed? All this and curried compost school dinners to contend with.But when Roland starts sending Cherry coded messages, her curiosity is aroused. Will she ever learn to live with, and even like, Roland Butter?

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