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Troll Fell
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Troll Fell
Author:Langrish Katherine (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    In the age of the Vikings, two children find themselves battling for their lives against the hideous, grasping twins Grim and Baldur Grimsson; the terrifying Granny Greenteeth and the cunning and ruthless trolls of Troll Fell.Peer Ulfsson stood miserably at his father's funeral pyre, watching the sparks whirl up like millions of shining spirits streaking away into the dark.But someone else is also at the funeral. Peer's half-uncle, Baldur Grimsson. Peer watches helplessly as Uncle Baldur sells his father's property and pockets the money. Peer is then dragged away to live with Baldur and his equally repulsive brother Grim at their mill near Troll Fell.Peer lives a life of servitude, with only the company of his faithful dog, Loki, until he meets spirited Hilde and the Nis, his uncles' house spirit. Between them, they must foil an evil transaction between the Grimsson brothers and the sinister trolls who live under Troll Fell. The Grimssons want riches, and they will do anything to get them. and as everyone knows, trolls are rich... but they are also cunning.

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