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Баркер Клайв

Barker Clive

Страница автора на языке: Английский
Средняя оценка книг:
Пол: мужской
Ссылка Википедия:
Дата рождения: 5 October 1952
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Clive Barker (born 5 October 1952) is an English novelist, playwright, author, film director, and visual artist who came to prominence in the mid-1980s with a series of short stories, the Books of Blood, which established him as a leading horror writer. He has since written many novels and other works. His fiction has been adapted into films, notably the Hellraiser series, the first installment of which he also wrote and directed, and the Candyman series. He was also an executive producer of the film Gods and Monsters, which won an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.

Barker's paintings and illustrations have been shown in galleries in the United States, and have appeared in his books. He has also created characters and series for comic books, and some of his more popular horror stories have been featured in ongoing comics series.

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Weaveworld0 (0) 0003.02.2016,
1454494703Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Thief of Always0 (0) 0006.01.2016,
1452075641Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Cabal0 (0) 0006.01.2016,
1452075338Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Abarat 2: Days of Magic, Nights of War0 (0) 0005.01.2016,
1451988856Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Mister B. Gone0 (0) 0024.12.2015,
1450951794Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Hellbound Heart0 (0) 0014.12.2015,
1450088304Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Absolute Midnight0 (0) 0010.12.2015,
1449743189Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Imajica0 (0) 0007.12.2015,
1449483253Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Great and Secret Show0 (0) 0003.12.2015,
1449137903Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Books Of Blood Omnibus 20 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269669868Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Books of Blood Omnibus 10 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269669662Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Essential Clive Barker0 (0) 0015.03.2010,
1268696635Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN