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Шоу Дэвид Джей

Schow David J.

Страница автора на языке: Английский
Средняя оценка книг:
Пол: мужской
Ссылка Википедия:
Дата рождения: July 13, 1955
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David J. Schow (born July 13, 1955) is an American author of horror novelsshort stories, and screenplays.[1] [2] His credits include films such as Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre IIIThe Crow and The Hills Run Red. Most of Schow's work falls into the subgenre splatterpunk, a term he is sometimes credited with coining.[3] In the 1990s, Schow wrote Raving & Drooling, a regular column for Fangoria magazine. All 41 installments were collected in the book Wild Hairs (2000), winning the International Horror Guild's award for best non-fiction in 2001.

In 1987, Schow's novella Pamela's Get was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award for best long fiction. His short story Red Light won the 1987 World Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction.[4] And in 2015, The Outer Limits at 50 won the Rondo Award for Book of the Year in a tie with The Creature Chronicles by Tom Weaver, of which Schow was a contributor.[5]

As an editor, Schow's work includes three volumes of writings by Robert Bloch and a book of short stories by John Farris.

Schow has also been a past contributor to liner notes for cult film distributors Grindhouse Releasing/Box Office Spectaculars, notably on the North American DVD release of Italian filmmaker Lucio Fulci's horror film, Cat in the Brain.[6][7][8] He has also written text supplements for the DVDs of Reservoir Dogs and From Hell, and has done DVD commentaries for The Dirty DozenThe Green MileIncubusCreature from the Black Lagoon.[9] An upcoming Blu Ray and DVD edition of season one of The Outer Limits features commentary by Schow on several episodes as well as a booklet essay written by him.

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