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Стэблфорд Брайан Майкл

Stableford Brian

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Дата рождения: 25 July 1948
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Brian Michael Stableford (born 25 July 1948) is a British academic, critic and science fiction writer who has published more than 70 novels. His earlier books were published under the name Brian M. Stableford, but more recent ones have dropped the middle initial and appeared under the name Brian Stableford.[1] He has also used the pseudonym Brian Craig for a couple of very early works, and again for a few more recent works. The pseudonym derives from the first names of himself and of a school friend from the 1960s, Craig A. Mackintosh, with whom he jointly published some very early work.

Born in ShipleyYorkshire, Stableford graduated with a degree in biology from the University of York in 1969 before going on to do postgraduate research in biology and later in sociology. In 1979 he received a PhD with a doctoral thesis on The Sociology of Science Fiction. Until 1988, he worked as a lecturer in sociology at the University of Reading. Since then he has been a full-time writer and a part-time lecturer at several universities for classes concerning subjects such as creative writing. He has been married twice, and has a son and a daughter by his first marriage.

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Salome and other Decadent Fantasies0 (0) 0002.04.2010,
1270176900Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Asgard's Conquerors0 (0) 0002.04.2010,
1270172993Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Young Blood0 (0) 0002.04.2010,
1270170455Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN