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Rusch Kristine Kathryn

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Дата рождения: June 4, 1960
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Kristine Kathryn Rusch (born June 4, 1960) is an American writer and editor. She writes under various pseudonyms in multiple genres, including science fictionfantasymysteryromance, and mainstream.

Rusch won the Hugo Award for Best Novelette in 2001 for her story "Millennium Babies" and the 2003 Endeavour Award for The Disappeared 2002. Her story "Recovering Apollo 8" won the Sidewise Award for Alternate History (short form) in 2008. Her novel The Enemy Within won the Sidewise (long form) in 2015.[1] She is married to fellow writer Dean Wesley Smith; they have collaborated on several works.

She edited The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction for six years, from mid-1991 through mid-1997, winning one Hugo Award as Best Professional Editor. Rusch and Smith operated Pulphouse Publishing for many years and edited the original (hardback) incarnation of Pulphouse Magazine; they won a World Fantasy Award in 1989.

Beginning in July 2010,[2] Rusch had a regular column in the bi-monthly Grantville Gazette e-zine called Notes from The Buffer Zone[3] until the magazine's demise in August 2022.[4]

Rusch became a Writer Judge for the Writers of the Future contest in 2010.

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City of Ruins0 (0) 0002.04.2010,
1270182802Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Second Time Travel MEGAPACK (R)0 (0) 0002.04.2010,
1270172796Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Diving into the Wreck0 (0) 0002.04.2010,
1270172270Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Treaty's Law0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269668914Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Echoes0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269668900Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
By the Book0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269668896Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Thin Air0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269668839Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Vectors0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269668825Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Klingon0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269668823Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Long Night0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269668818Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Soldiers Of Fear0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269667259Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
X-Men0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269658596Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
New Rebellion: Star Wars0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269657024Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN