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Пьер Ди Би Си

Pierre D. B. C.

Страница автора на языке: Английский
Средняя оценка книг:
Пол: мужской
Ссылка Википедия:
Дата рождения: 1961
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DBC Pierre (born Peter Warren Finlay[1][2] in 1961) is an Australian author who wrote the novel Vernon God Little.

Pierre was born in South Australia, and largely raised in Mexico. He has resided in the Republic of Ireland and now, according to an August 2020 interview in The Guardian, lives in Cambridgeshire.[3]

Pierre was awarded the 2003 Booker Prize for fiction for Vernon God Little, his first novel, becoming the third Australian-born author to be so honoured. Upon winning the Whitbread First Novel Award in Hay Festival in 2003, and earned the author a James Joyce Award from the Literary and Historical Society of University College Dublin.

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