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Уилсон Дэниел

Wilson Daniel H.

Страница автора на языке: Английский
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Пол: мужской
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Дата рождения: March 6, 1978
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Daniel H. Wilson (born March 6, 1978) is a New York Times bestselling author,[1] television host and robotics engineer. He currently resides in Portland, Oregon. His books include the award-winning humor titles How to Survive a Robot UprisingWhere's My Jetpack? and How to Build a Robot Army and the bestseller Robopocalypse.

Daniel H. Wilson was born in [2] the elder of two children. He is Cherokee and a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.[3]

Wilson attended Booker T. Washington High School, graduating in 1996. He earned his B.S. in Computer Science at the University of Tulsa in 2000, spending one semester studying philosophy abroad in Melbourne, Australia at the University of Melbourne. He completed an M.S. in Robotics, another M.S. in Machine Learning, and his PhD in Robotics in 2005 at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His thesis work, entitled Assistive Intelligent Environments for Automatic Health Monitoring, focused on providing automatic location and activity monitoring in the home via low-cost sensors such as motion detectors and contact switches. He has worked as a research intern at Microsoft Research, the Xerox PARCNorthrop Grumman, and Intel Research Seattle.

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Robogenesis0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269659773Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Robopocalypse0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269659740Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN