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Фейлер Брюс

Feiler Bruce

Страница автора на языке: Английский
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Пол: мужской
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Дата рождения: October 25, 1964
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Bruce Feiler (born October 25, 1964) is an American writer and television personality. He is the author of 15 books, including The Council of Dads, a book that describes how he responded to a diagnosis of a rare cancer by asking a group of men to be present in the lives of his young daughters. The book was the subject of a TED Talk and inspired NBC drama series Council of Dads.[1] His latest work explores the power of life stories. Drawing on interviews with Americans in all 50 states, he offers strategies for coping with life's unsettling times in his new book, Life Is In The Transitions.[2] Bruce writes the "This Life" column in the Sunday New York Times and is also the writer/presenter of the PBS miniseries Walking the Bible and Sacred Journeys with Bruce Feiler (2014).[3]

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Council of Dads0 (0) 0002.04.2010,
1270180785Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Dreaming Out Loud0 (0) 0002.04.2010,
1270171233Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Generation Freedom0 (0) 0002.04.2010,
1270168586Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Council Of Dads0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269669430Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Secrets of Happy Families0 (0) 0027.03.2010,
1269659119Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN
Walking the Bible0 (0) 0015.03.2010,
1268696619Иностранная литература0/-/EN0EN